~Meet Sam~
~Meet Sam~
Proud Yawuru and Karrajarri Man
Kaarli (pronunciation cull-lee: Indigenous for boomerang) started in January 2022, it came up as an idea as my brother-in-law, Thomas Betts, and I sat around the back yard table.
I am an Electrician by trade and a supervisor for one of the largest iron ore producers in the country, but my passion lies with my culture. My Dad is my inspiration and the person who I asked for approval from, to create and sell these boomerangs. He is the one that got me into making Kaarlis and is where I gained the passion of creating beautiful Indigenous weaponry and art, while still practicing our culture and transferring knowledge of our traditions.
I wanted to show my family’s traditional shaped boomerangs to the world, I wanted to take the stereotype of ‘returning boomerangs’ away. Not trying to take anything away from returning boomerangs, as they are a huge part of another great culture, but it wasn’t mine. There are a lot of boomerangs in gift shops and souvenir shops, but I couldn’t find any that were made in Western Australia, I couldn’t find anything that was made from where I come from.
We are in a time when the western world is taking over more and more, we are struggling trying to hold on to every ounce of culture that we possibly can. What better way to live in today’s day in age, by still practicing culture while gaining financial freedom, from something that brings joy and passion to my life. I believe that having purpose in one’s life is most important of all, when you have purpose, you will have focus and commitment, these two things keep you away from all the negative influences that have plagued our people for so long.
In the future I want to be able to hold a platform for Indigenous people, that may not have the benefit of building something on their own. To be able to assist Indigenous people and pass on my knowledge, so that one day they will be able to stand on their own two feet and be sustainable.